Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
10:00am - 3:00pm
Joyce Jefferson

Local News

Assistance for Winter Heating and Water Utility Closes Soon

Residents that are in need of assistance with winter heating and water utility will be closing March 28. 


The Great Lakes Community Action Partnership has been aiding Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, and Wood County through the Winter Crisis Program. This program helps residents that are facing water shut-offs or disconnections, and establish a new water service or pay for service transfers.


Applicants must meet poverty guidelines with an income of $2,126.25 monthy of one, or over $4,375 monthy of four. Every household member needs to be listed with their social security number, birthdates, proof of citizenship, and proof of income for either the previous 30 days or 12 months. 


For more information head to www.glcap.or/utilityhelp or call 567-432-5046.

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