Chris Kellogg
Chris Kellogg
1:00am - 6:00am
Chris Kellogg

Local News

Rumpke Bids on Litter Landing

On Thursday, Rumpke Waste & Recycling made a bid on Litter Landing to outsource the recycling businesses operations. The Hancock County Commissioners and county prosecutor’s office will review Rumpke’s offer, and will then recommend it to the Hancock County Solid Waste Management District Policy Board. If they agree to outsource the county’s recycling program, then the commissioners would implement the change. 


Rumpke is offering to pick up recyclables from the 16 collection stations around the county for $35.36 per trip. The estimate suggests that Rumpke would make 85 trips in a week, resulting in a yearly total owed of $156,291. The Hancock County Landfill tier fee fund, who funds Litter Landing, would pay those fees. 


Commissioner Timothy Bechtol says that the number of litter collection stations could increase to 21 to 25, so people can find stations closer to their home. Litter Landing could remain as the main collection station for people to drop off their recyclables.


County officials are considering building a new recycling center along the west side of County Road 140. 


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