Chris Kellogg
Chris Kellogg
1:00am - 6:00am
Chris Kellogg

Local News

Findlay to use Settlement Money to Combat Opioid Addiction

The city of Findlay will use settlement money from the OneOhio lawsuit against the opioid pharmaceutical industry to create initiatives to combat addiction in the future. 


OneOhio is a non-profit created by the state to distribute $1.8 billion in settlement funds over 18 years to fight opioid addiction. The state then sections off into regions, with Hancock County being part of region 17 along with Crawford, Hardin, Ottawa, Sandusky, Seneca, Wood, and Wyandot counties. So far, the estimated amount that Findlay will receive is $230,000, and they have already received $55,099. 


That money can create programs that address prevention, treatment, long-term recovery, criminal justice, and public awareness to promote the overall health and well-being of Ohians. Mayor Christina Muryn said that for right now, the Hancock County Board of Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services are asking her to save the money. 


Muryn says that by building up the funds will help create programs that best serves the community. 

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